Thursday, June 9, 2011

You lose some. You win some.

And Detroit is a winner. Actually its neighbor - Dearborn. We had to lose one of our intended big stops - beautiful Mackinac Island in the northern lower peninsula - due to a pretty major storm that made ferry travel and sightseeing problematic. That gave us time to reach Detroit early enough to visit the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village - both in Dearborn, MI. Wow. This place is amazing. Check these out.


Chair in which Lincoln was assassinated.

Rosa Parks' Bus

Robert Frost's Home

Other original homes/facilities transplanted to Greenfield Village: George Washington Carver; Noah Webster; William Holmes McGuffey (McGuffey Reader) home and school; Thomas Edison labs (some of them); and the Wright Bros. Cycle Shop. The museum has incredible automotive, rail, airplane, industrial and product displays - including Presidential limousines, Buckminster Fuller's first production geodesic home, and this addition to our railroad set to be placed under our christmas tree:

We'll definitely be getting a 9 ft tree this year.

We arrived in Dearborn via several days driving the northern shores of MN, WI and MI. Voyageurs National Park in MN is beautiful and we had the most perfect day of the trip there. During these few days we got to see the world's largest Walleye (or at least in this town where it was mounted),world's largest voyageur (early trader), and world's largest Indian. Don't believe me? Take a gander at these two big boys:

Have you ever seen a bigger voyageur or Indian? Thought not.

Traveling the Upper Peninsula of Michigan was especially scenic. Stopped at Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. Pretty spectacular.

As I mentioned, we had to bypass Mackinac Island unfortunately due to our only really bad weather day on the trip, bringing us to Dearborn and the wonderful museum here.

Now we are entering the latter stages of our trip through parts of Ohio, Pennsylvania and home.

Until then.

1 comment:

  1. at the risk of sounding totally inappropriate (out of context of course): I LOVE that weiner mobile! its awesome!
